Shut-Your-Mouth Machine previos
Shut-Your-Mouth Machine / Máquina de callar
Diseño y desarrollo de hardware y software. Hardware and software design and development:
Kwendenarmo y Carlos Hernández
The Shut-Your-Mouth Machine is a device inspired by the arcade game Whac-A-Mole, and its particular way of negative interaction. The game typically consists in smashing moles when they pop up from holes distributed on a plane. Constructing the meaning of the piece through its negation is one of my personal interests, and I have been working on it in recent years, unfolding a critical approach to such interactive works where the user has a total degree of control over the mechanism. In this case the negation is metaphorical and physical, because the game consists/lies in pushing a big red button to silence the voice projected by the device. What you hear is my personal recorded voice talking about the work. So, when you push the button you are silencing my own speech. I am interested in proposing a work that constrains the user to deny it, a work where there is a circular contradiction between listening and silencing: maybe I would want to listen to the voice, but if I want to complete the game I have to stop the meaning contained in the voice. So the meaning doesn’t simply come from my voice, but from the collaboration between my speech and those who restrain it. In this sense, the work includes a critical to traditional relationship between a work of art and its receiver.
The work will premiered at Pinta Miami International Art Fair at the Electronic Project Section
within the project Constructive Interferences by EX, electronic and experimental Art Association
Mana Wynwood
2217 NW 5TH AVE.
Miami, FL 33127
Date & Time 2016
Official Opening: Wednesday, Nov. 30: 5 – 8 pm
Thursday, Dec. 1 – Saturday, Dec. 3: 12 am – 8 pm
Sunday, Dec. 4: 12 – 7 pm
Shut-Your-Mouth Machine
En unos días nos vamos a la feria Pinta Miami! Nos llevamos Shut-Your-Mouth Machine, la última obra en la que estamos metidos y a la que le estamos dedicando todas las horas unos aguerridos Kwendenarmo, Carlos Hernández y yo mismo. Compartimos las pruebas de que la obra empieza a existir!
El bebé dando sus primeros pasos (la mano es de Kwendenarmo):
Hasta que llega nuestro flamante prototipo, hecho en material muy, muy reciclable por Carlos Hernández (a destacar la propaganda indirecta a Mr. Amancio):
Y el video que demuestra que funciona … Ahora sólo falta montar los cuatro dispositivos, que quedan pocos días
Shut-Your-Mouth Machine previos